Sabudana Khichdi recipe step by step pictures

Sabudana Khichdi. It is very popular in Gujarat and Maharashtra as vrat (fasting) food. A little bit of planning can give you perfectly cooked sabudana khichdi every time. It is a preparation with boiled potatoes and crushed roasted peanuts flavoured with hint of spices and green chilli.

Semiya Upma Vermicelli Upma recipe step by step pictures

Today I am making a South Indian Breakfast dish Vermicelli Upma. This is an easy school lunch box item for children but mostly made in my house for a family breakfast. Flavoured with spices and packed with vegetables this dish can be served along with some chutney or as it is.

Double Chocolate Mug Cake Microwave recipe pictures

Today I am making a yummy treat in a mug. A microwave Double Chocolate Mug Cake. This takes hardly 5 minutes to put together. Give yourself a yummy treat or share it with a loved one.

Cheesy Garlic Bread recipe step by step pictures

I am making Cheesy Garlic Bread. Remember the garlic bread with extra cheese on top in restaurants which never has sufficient cheese to calm your cravings.

Carrot Cake recipe step by step pictures

I am making a vegetable cake. This cake recipe is so versatile, you can make it as a loaf, in a round or square baking tin or as a tray bake. Carrot Cake is really moist and the not-so-sweet frosting complements it very well.

Spicy Potato Roast Kerala style recipe step by step pictures

Today I am making a Kerala Style Spicy Potato Roast. I love potatoes but I do not eat them often. But I know someone who is crazy for them. So I hope this recipe does justice.

Lemon Rice no onion no garlic recipe step by step pictures

I am making a Lemon rice variety from South India. It is a no onion no garlic recipe which can be cooked up in minutes.

Banana Modak recipe step by step pictures

Banana Modak is Ganesha’s favourite sweet prepared with Wheat Flour, Banana, Gud (Jaggery), Coconut, Rice, Semolina, Ghee, Cardamom etc.

Mawa Modak Dried Milk Dumplings recipe step by step pictures

Mawa Modak is Dried Milk sweet prasad prepared on Festivals and on Ganesh Chaturthi.